Social Work Intern
Coffee Bunker 6365 E 41st Street, Tulsa, United StatesAshley Fitzsimmons, the Coffee Bunker's social work intern, is available to provide assistance.
Ashley Fitzsimmons, the Coffee Bunker's social work intern, is available to provide assistance.
Donna Rogers is available Monday-Wednesday and Fridays during normal operating hours to talk with you about Education Opportunities. A representative from Veterans Upward Bound is available on Thursdays.
We’d like to help you find housing. The SSVF will be at the Bunker every Tuesday, 2:00pm – 4:00pm to assist veterans who are homeless or nearing homelessness to find housing.
Visit with Derrick Spencer, a financial consultant. By appointment only. Call 918.637.3878
Donna Rogers is available Monday-Wednesday and Fridays during normal operating hours to talk with you about Education Opportunities. A representative from Veterans Upward Bound is available on Thursdays.
Tuesday Chaplaincy appointments are by referral
The Coffee Bunker Food Pantry is open for veterans and their families on Tuesdays from 8am to 5pm. Sacks of groceries will be available for pickup. Come to the front to register and pickup food in the back of the Bunker. The Food Pantry is provided in conjunction with the Food Bank.
Visit with Chaplain Cliff Richard (USA) at the Bunker on Mondays, 1:00pm - 3:00pm.
Join Chaplain John Vanaman 10:00am - 12:00pm on Mondays for support and counsel.
Donna Rogers is available Monday-Wednesday and Fridays during normal operating hours to talk with you about Education Opportunities. A representative from Veterans Upward Bound is available on Thursdays.